Building Materials Marketing for Construction Season: How to Get the Most Out of Your Visualizer

If you’re in building materials marketing, chances are you have a peak season in April.

After April, sales drop slightly over summer and peak again in August for last minute project decisions.

Some segments, such as overhead doors, even have their peak sales later in the year.

But regardless of when your peak season is, it’s a big opportunity to make sales.

And your visualizer can help you capitalize on peak season, whether you manufacture or sell siding, roofing, windows, doors, garage doors, masonry, decking, flooring or any other building materials.

Here are 3 ways to leverage your Renoworks visualizer platform in your peak season marketing campaigns:

1. Run a Promo Campaign

Our data shows that for most segments there’s a spike in visualization during April.

Then there’s a dip over the summer and another peak in August.

We call this the “M Curve”, because it looks like an “M” shape on our clients’ Renoworks analytics reports.

Building Materials Marketing for Construction Season: How to Get the Most Out of Your Visualizer the M curve

During these peak periods, customers are making purchase decisions.

This presents the perfect opportunity to push your brand to the forefront and make sure customers are choosing your products instead of the competition.

More and more of our clients are adopting frictionless digital experiences to capture leads during these times, follow up with them, and be top-of-mind when it’s time to purchase.

And it’s why many Renoworks clients are strategically running free Design Services campaigns in key months to capitalize on the opportunity.

Free Design Services is a compelling value proposition to get homeowners engaged and into your marketing funnel (and out of your competitor’s).

This is because free Design Services makes them feel that they are receiving exceptional personal attention and value.

And the numbers speak for themselves.

95% of Design Services survey respondents go on to buy, or report that they are “very likely” to buy the products used in their design services visualizations.

2. Automate Your Lead Generation

When users register or order Design Services on your Renoworks visualizer platform, it generates a lead that should be followed up with.

But we know you’re going to be very busy during peak seasons.

So, one solution is to automate the process by integrating visualizer leads with your CRM.

After the lead is in your CRM, you can put it into an email sequence or send it to a sales rep or channel partner to follow up with.

Just set it up once and let it work automatically so you can think about other things.

3. Sell to Architects, Builders and Contractors with Coupons

Value-added services like Design Services and FastTrack 3D models and measurements provide opportunities to reach B2B customers with your visualizer.

Renoworks coupons can be used to deliver targeted “Free Design Services” promotions to contractors and dealers so they can help their customers make timely remodeling decisions.

Builders and Architects can also be targeted with promotional coupons. All the builder or architect needs to do is submit their blueprints and Renoworks Design Services will prepare the blueprints for visualization on your Renoworks visualizer platform.

Renoworks blueprint design services masking for contractors architects builders

Looking for more tips and best practices for promoting your Renoworks visualizer platform? Read our article on 6 actionable tips to drive more traffic to your visualizer.

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